Методическая разработка внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку «Что? Где? Когда?» для 5 классов «The Red Book Friends»

Автор: Самохина Елена Владимировна

Организация: ГУ ЛНР «ЛОУСШ №57 имени Г.С. Петрова»

Населенный пункт: ЛНР, г. Луганск

Сценарий мероприятия

При организации структуры мероприятия выделены 4 этапа.

I. Подготовительный этап.

Были отобраны вопросы, для изучения по теме Флора и фауна ЛНР и рекомендован список литературы для изучения в городской библиотеке и в сети интернет.

II. Организационный этап.


Good afternoon, everybody!

Choose the color of the day, and say why do you think so?


The day is bright. The sun shines and the sky is blue.


The weather is fine today. Today we are going to take part in our intellectual competition. I am sure you will get a good opportunity to show your knowledge of the LPR “Friends of the Red Book”. You will remind the information about this wonderful country.

I wish you success.

Ведущий: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.

We are in our intellectual club “What? Where? When?”

There are series of winter games in our club.

So, let me introduce our teams “Flora” and “Fauna”:

Against you play the team of TV Viewers.

The teams” will have to answer the questions of TV Viewers. We’ll play until 6 points. Winners will get sweet prizes at the end of the game. The best player will get a Crystal owl. Good luck!


III. Основной этап.


Let’s start The First Round.

Attention the question!

You’ll get the envelope with the mix of letters. Your task is to put them into the correct order and form the names of the representatives of the wild of the LPR. The pictures will help complete the task. You have two minutes.You can get 6 points for the task.

Time is over. Who will answer?

Attention! The right answer is violet/ fern/ crane/ starling/ hedgehog/ viper.

Your score is ….


Let’s start The Second Round.

Turn the top and choose a question please.

Attention the question!

What is there in the black box? Answering the questions you can get 5 points. You have 30 seconds for discussion.


1. What has long ears, four short legs and small black eyes? (5 points)

2. Who spends the daytime in the hole? (4 points)

3. Who likes eating insects and worms? (3 points)

4. Who hides from enemy faster than other animals? (2 points)

5. Whose back is covered with spikes, which protect it? (1 point)

Your score is ….


Let’s start The Third Round.

Attention the question!

You have to complete the story with the words from the list. Fill in the table with the words in order. You can get 10 points for the task.

documentary/claws/ morning dew/ fur/ wild life/ moisture/ store/ squirrels/

clumsy/ crop plants

You have three minutes to do the task.

I like watching TV shows about 1) ________________ because I love animals. Once I watched a 2) _______ on TV about steppe marmots (bobacs).

I learned that steppe marmots are 3) _______. These animals live in Lugansk steppes. They differ from other squirrels by size. The bobac has the fat 4) _______ body and strong short legs with the large 5) _______. Its tail is no longer than 15 cm and its 6) _______ is of a sandy-yellow color. This animal eats plants but it rarely eats the 7) _______. So bobacs are harmless for farmers. Bobacs are unusual animals. They do not usually drink water. They prefer 8) _______ in plants or the 9) _______. They do not 10) _______ food for winter. Bobac’s eyes are strong but ears are weak.

These animals are in danger because people like their fur and meat. People also use their fat in medicine. We should protect bobacs.

Time is over. Pass your answers.

Attention! Let's check up the right answer. The right answer is here.

Your score is ….


Let’s start The Fourth Round.

Ladies and gentlemen the Musical pause. Let's welcome our guests from the snowy Antarctic with the song “Penguin dance”.

(The pupils watch the video and sing the song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQRh02ZZK4w)

Hello, fellow-penguins of our planet. Are you feeling good? One of the creatures of our planet are the penguins. So, we are going for the dance which is called " The penguin dance".

Put your hands afield the air

And shake your bodies round.

Hands upon your toes,

And turn around, around.

Hands wave up high,

Hands wave down low,

Stamp with your feet

And jump, jump, jump.

Yeah, as you know, the penguins are very special on our planet. Are you special too? Now, let's all stand behind each other because it's time for the penguinwalk.


Aren't you tired yet? I would like to introduce to you the craziest penguin on the planet. He's the one and only Schiffie. Are you doing it with us? Here he comes again.

Thank you for your performance.

And now we are ready to start The Fifth Round.

Turn the top and choose a question please. Let’s speak about natural remedies.

Attention the question! What kind of disease can each plant treat?

Match the plants with the way they help us treat illnesses. You have three minutes.





Peony with thin leaves


Snowdrop anemone

Stomach ache


Time is over. Who will answer?

e.g. _____ can help with ________

Attention! Your score is ….


Let’s start The Sixth Round.

You can get 10 points for the task.

You have 8 facts about a peregrine.

    1. more than 322 km per hour
    2. of a grey crow
    3. the fastest bird in the world
    4. on 42-46 day of life
  1. small birds
  2. not many birds left
  3. females more in size by 30%
  4. in the steppes of Lugansk region


You should make a presentation of it using the plan.

  • Name
  • What it looks like
  • Facts about this bird and why it is in the Red Book of LPR


You have 5 minutes.

Attention! Let's check up the right answer.

Your score is ….

IV. Подведение итогов игры.


So, the game is finished with the score ….

Our game is over.

The winners are …(the name of the team).

Thank you very much.

It was the game “What? Where? When?”

(Участникам раздаются сладкие призы)


Our party is coming to its ending. I hope it made you think about nature and wild life and love your Motherland.

The sun is shining,
The sky is blue,
The birds are flying,
And the breeze is so cool.

Mother Nature is trying her best
To give nothing but beautifulness,
But what do we do?
Make her a mess.

Let's make her the best
By polluting less and less,
And preserve her green dress
For our kids and the rest.


Sing a song


Let's see what we can do

To save the planet for me and you

Let's see what we can do

To save the planet for me and you



Planet Earth is a happy place


Planet Earth is a happy place

Na-na-na-na-na, na-na-na

Na-na-na-na-na, na-na-na

Let's see what we can do

To save the planet for me and you

Let's see what we can do

To save the planet for me and you


E is for the environment, keep it clean

If we stand together, we'll make the best team

A is for the animals that we love

Swimming and walking and flying above

Na-na-na-na-na, na-na-na

Na-na-na-na-na, na-na-na


Let's see what we can do

To save the planet for me and you

Let's see what we can do

To save the planet for me and you


R is for recycle, or use it again

Separate your trash into the right bin

T is for traveling every day

Leave the car and rather walk this way

Na-na-na-na-na, na-na-na

Na-na-na-na-na, na-na-na


Let's see what we can do

To save the planet for me and you

Let's see what we can do

To save the planet for me and you


H is for humans, that's what we are

If we work together, we can go so far


Planet Earth is a happy place

Na-na-na-na-na, na-na-na

Na-na-na-na-na, na-na-na


Let's see what we can do

To save the planet for me and you

Let's see what we can do

To save the planet for me and you


Let's see what we can do

To save the planet for me and you

Let's see what we can do

To save the planet for me and you

Goodbye teacher.


Thank you and good luck to you!

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Опубликовано: 31.03.2024