Урок английского языка «Автомобиль не роскошь, а средство передвижения»

Автор: Архипова Тамара Александровна

Организация: ГАПОУ СО «УКТП»

Населенный пункт: Свердловская область, г. Екатеринбург

Группа: ТО- 310

Уровень усвоения материала: репродуктивно-продуктивный

Цель урока: Формирование коммуникативной компетенции по теме: научить употреблять изучаемую лексику ,практиковать в неподготовленном аргументированном высказывании.

Формирование информационной компетенции: получить информацию о технических требованиях к автомобилю, о своей будущей специальности.

Формирование готовности к самообразованию: подготовка студентами презентации об одном из автомобилей на основе алгоритма.

Задачи урока:

  • Практическая: развитие умения читать с целью извлечения нужной или интересующей информации; формировать речевую деятельность учащихся на базе новой лексики;
  • развивающая: развивать память и мыслительную деятельность учащихся, развитие способности к анализу, обобщению, развитие способности к языковой догадке в целях расширения их потенциального лексического запаса, развивать умения аргументировать свою точку зрения, делать вывод, подводить итоги;
  • образовательная: расширение кругозора учащихся, развитие универсальных умений, позволяющих совершенствовать учебную деятельность по овладению английским языком;
  • воспитательная: формировать нравственный, позитивный режим общения при обмене мнениями, повышение мотивации к изучению английского языка.
  • Вид урока: урок-беседа
  • Тип урока: урок совершенствования навыков неподготовленного аргументированного высказывания по теме, совершенствования навыков поискового чтения.
  • Формы работы на уроке: фронтальная, групповая, индивидуальная.
  • Лексические единицы, основные термины: лексические средства в рамках темы.
  • Универсальные учебные действия:
  • 1.Личностные: формирование установки на успешное освоение специальности, наличие мотивации к творческому труду, работе на результат.
  • 2.Регулятивные: самостоятельно адекватно оценивать правильность выполнения действия.
  • 3.Коммуникативные: устанавливать рабочие отношения в парах, группах, коллективе, эффективно сотрудничать и способствовать продуктивной кооперации.
  • 4.Познавательные: осуществление информационного поиска , оценивание степени значимости источника.

Материально- техническое оснащение урока:

  1. Учебный материал . О. Л Гроза, О. Б. Дворецкая и др. «New Millennium English». 10 класс, «Титул», 2009
  2. Видеоматериал : видеоролики « Автомобили Мерседес Бенц»,»», « » [www.savevid.com]
  3. Раздаточный материал с заданиями:
  • Лексика по теме, лексические упражнения, диалоги, текст.
  1. Компьютерная презентация урока. (Power Point)
  2. T.C.O : компьютер, интерактивная доска.


Ход урока

1. Организационный момент.

Good morning. Glad to see you here and I’d like to start our lesson with your prediction about the subject of our discussion today. I want you to watch the pictures and say what we’re going to discuss at the lesson.

2. Введение в тему урока, целеполагание. Демонстрация картинок(Cлайд 1)

T: So, what is the subject of our discussion?

Ps: Аutomobile.

2а Представьтесь, пожалуйста ! Introduce yourself!

Каждый студент представляет себя.

T: Well, today we’re going to take a look at automobilies…. What exactly are they? What attracts people to this profession? What are the technical demandes to automobile production ?

3. Речевая разминка. Введение лексики “Автомобиль” и ее фонетическая отработка.

T: All the sheets show new words.

  1. T: Let’s repeat the words after me.
  1. Technician - техник
  2. Deal with manufacturing cars – иметь дело с производством автомобилей
  3. Work out the technology of manufacturing processes – разрабатывать технологию производственных процессов
  4. Put into mass production – запустить в массовое производство
  5. Subject to tests – подвергать испытаниям
  6. Dependable braces – надежные тормоза
  7. Driving safety – безопасность управления автомобилем
  8. Long service life – долгий срок службы
  9. Rapid acceleration - приемистость
  10. Easy of maintenance –простотв техобслуживания
  11. Meet up-to-date-demands ( requirements ) – отвечать современным требованиям
  12. Be stable on the road – быть устойчивым на дороге
  13. Ignition system – система зажигания
  14. Fuel consumption – расход топлива
  15. Car – легковой автомобиль
  16. Track – грузовой автомобиль

4. Закрепление лексики в упражнениях №. А) 3,4 pg.6

T: What are the up-to-date demandes to the car? The words from ex. will help you express your ideas.

Б) Ex. 1. In the sentences find the English equivalents to the Russian phrases.

1. automobile construction college.

1) долгий срок службы

2. to graduate from the college.

2) простое техобслуживание

3. low fuel consumption.

3) запустить в массовое производство

4. to deal with.

4) подвергать испытаниям

5. designing cars.

5) плавное сцепление

6. mass production.

6) отвечать современным требованиям

7. long service life.

7) иметь дело

8. driving safety

8) надежные тормоза

9. to work out

9)учебная программа

10. ease of maintenance


11.the technology of manufacturing processes

11)система зажигания

12.to put into mass production

12)безопасность вождения

13.to subject to tests


14.a rigid quality control

14)автомобилестроительный колледж

15.to meet up-to-date demands (requirements)

15)жесткий контроль качества

16.rapid acceleration

16)бесшумная коробка передач

17.smooth-acting clutch

17)конструирование автомобилей

18.silent gearbox

18)окончить колледж

19.dependable brakes

19)технология производственных процессов

20.steering system


21.an academic program

21)массовое производство


22)система рулевого управления

23.ignition system

23)малый расход топлива

Ex. 2. Pg.5

Ex.3 Pg.6

Ex. 4 Pg.6

  1. Развитие навыков поискового чтения в диалогах (извлечение необходимой информации)

5.1 Title into groups! ( 2 students ).

Read and translate the dialoques A and B!

Write the information about the technical demandes to a car.

5.2 Развитие навыков поискового чтения

T : I’d like to enlarge your knowledge about the automobile.

I suggest that you should read the text about . Read it aloud , translate and do the tasks.

Read the text and do the tasks: «Automobile Production».

Task 1

I study at the college, at the automobile-construction department.

When I graduate from the college I shall become a technician. All specialists in automobile industry dealing with manufacturing automobiles (cars or trucks) must know that the production of the automobile comprises the following phases:

    1. Designing;
    2. Working out the technology of manufacturing processes;
    3. Laboratory tests;
    4. Road tests;
    5. Mass manufacturing (production).

Why is necessary to know all these facts? It is important to know them, as before the automobile is put into mass production it should be properly designed and the car must meet up-to-date requirements. What are these requirements?

The automobile must have high efficiency, long service life, driving safety, ease of handling and maintenance, pleasant appearance. Also it must be comfortable and ecological. In order to obtain these qualities the specialist should develop up-to-date methods of designing cars using new types of resistant to corrosion light materials. Also it is important to know computer sciences because computers offer quick and optimal solution of the problems. Besides they are used for better operation of mechanism in cars.

Before the car is put into mass production the units of the car are subjected to tests in the Works laboratory and then the car undergoes a rigid quality control in road tests. Why are these tests required? What qualities are required of the automobile? They are needed because the modern automobile must be rapid in acceleration, have smooth acting clutch, silent gearbox, dependable braking and steering systems, dependable ignition system, low fuel consumption and be stable on the road.

Послетекстовые упражнения The exercises to be done after reading the text

Exercise 6(Pg.4). Найдите в тексте ответы на вопросы. 1. What department do you study at? 2. What will you become after graduating from the college? 3. What should automobile specialist know? 4. What phases does the production of the automobile comprise? 5. What requirements must modern automobiles meet? 6. Why are automobile units and mechanisms subjected to laboratory and road tests? 7. What qualities are required of the automobile? 8. Why are computers used in cars?

Exercise 5(Pg.5). Найдите и выпишите из текста слова, относящиеся:

а) к производству автомобиля.

б) к характеристикам автомобиля.

Дайте их русские эквиваленты.



Work in pairs. DISCUSSION.

T: Can you count from one to two? Really? Please, count!.Ones are the first team, Twos are the second team.The first team reads the questions of student A, the second team answeres . The second team reads the questions of student B and the First answeres.

Let’s start to discuss!

Аргументированные высказывания.

1. What is your attitude towards …..? Discuss it in pairs and then report your ideas to the class. Use the words and wordcombinations.

2. Work in small groups. Share your ideas with the rest of the group.

11. Подведение итогов урока.

  • Your future professin is characterized by high speed, high risk, danger, excitement.
  • Рефлексия достижения цели. What have you managed to do at the lesson today?
  • Домашнее задание. Запись и комментирование домашнего задания.

Choose any automobile and make a project using a plan.

  1. History
  2. Where was it built?
  3. Long service life
  4. High efficiency
  5. Driving safety
  6. Easy of maintenance
  7. Rapid acceleration
  8. Smoth acting clutch
  9. Silent gearbox
  10. Dependable brakes
  11. Dependable stearing system
  12. Comfortable
  13. Ecological

You may use the following web sites:

  • http://www.allextremesports.com
  • http://www.xtsports.com
  • http://sportspedia.com
  • http://dir.yahoo.com/recreation/sports/extreme_sports






A Skydiving consists of jumping with a parachute out of an airplane for recreation or in competitions. Competitive events include jumping for style, landing with accuracy, and making free-fall formations. Modern skydivers typically free-fall from 3657 m above the ground until 762 m, where they open their parachutes.

B Skiboarding is the art of descending a hill on skiboards. Skiboards are basically a cross between skis and a snowboard. They are about half the length of regular skis (between 80 and 100 cm long), and about twice as wide. The design allows the rider to do everything that skiers and snowboarders do plus go backwards, turn 360’s on the ground, execute one foot turns and perform more tricks than was ever thought possible on normal skis.

C Bungee jumping consists of jumping from a great height while attached to a long piece of elastic that is just short enough to prevent the jumper from hitting the ground.

D Base jumping consists of jumping with a parachute from high places such as buildings or mountains.

E Street luge is the pavement version of ice luge. Both involve lying flat on your back and steering a luge not much bigger than a skateboard with your head just inches off the ground. Complete fearlessness is essential for this sport, as well as a thick piece of rubber, preferably from a car tyre, as footwear. Top lugers can reach speed of 145 km per hour, yet their only way of braking is to use their feet, which often causes painful injuries.

F Ice-climbing As the name suggests, practitioners of this activity climb glaciers with the aid of an ice axe and a great deal of other specialist equipment. As well as all the equipment, incredible physical and mental strength are essential, together with the ability to work closely with other team members in the most dangerous situations.

G Zorbing is the latest adventure experience from New Zealand. It involves rolling around in a ball or zorb three meters in diameter. It requires no more skill than a hamster running in its wheel as centrifugal force keeps the zorbonaut pinned inside the zorb. Although zorbonauts have hurtled downhill at speed of 50 km per hour, the air cushioning inside means they do not risk hurting themselves too seriously.


(ИЯШ, 6/2004, методическая мозаика, стр.2-3)


Put the verbs in brackets into the correct active or passive forms.



The sport of snowboarding is booming and the person responsible for this is Jake Burton. Burton, the antithesis of a hard-nosed businessman, is the president and founder of what is now a multimillion-dollar corporation. "I have the best job in the world," says Burton. "1 ride my board several days a week, the company is making money, the sport is blossoming."

Though Burton 1__________ (often call) the inventor of the snowboard, he 2_________ (refuse) to take credit for anything more than improving on somebody else's idea. He 3_________ (settle), instead, for the label 'snowboard pioneer'.

The first snow­board-like object 4_____________ (produce) by Sherman Poppen who, in 1965,

5_____________ (bolt) two skis together for his children to slide on. Poppen 6 his invention the Snurfer. Jake Burton 7 ___________--(give) a Snurfer when he was 14 years old. 'T 8_________ (always feel) there was an opportunity for it to 9____________ (market) better," he says, "for serious technology to 10____________ (apply) to it, so Snurfing could 11________ (become) a legitimate sport instead of a cheap toy." According to Jake's father, although Jake 12___________(not possess) any innate entrepreneurial spirit, once he had the idea for this board in his head, he 13____________ (put) every bit of his energy into it.

Jake Burton's teenage years 14____________ (marry) by tragedy: his older brother 15_____ (kill) in Vietnam when Burton was 12, and their mother 16__________ (die) of leukemia five years later. "The loss made for two things," says Burton, "real independence and an ability to 17 ________(persevere)." Both 18__________ (bring) into play in December 1977, when, shortly after he 19________ (earn) a degree in economics and 20___________ (leave) a small sum in his grandmother's will, he 21_________ (found) Burton Snowboards. He was 23.

In the beginning Burton 22 ___________(employ) as a barman by night and 23________ (make) snowboard prototypes by day. After constructing more than 100 тmodels, he finally had a board he was pleased with. That hurdle overcome, he had to 24____________ (convince) people to buy the things. One major stumbling block was the fact that snowboards 25________ (ban) at virtually all ski areas.

Finally, after 1983, when restrictions at many ski resorts 26_________ (loosen), snowboard sales 27___________ (climb). Now 95% of the ski areas in the US 28 _____(allow) boarding, as do all ski areas in Europe. An international circuit of snowboard racing and free­style events 29_________ (start) in 1986, and the sport 30 __________(make) its Olympic debut at the 1998 Winter Games in Nagano, Japan.

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Опубликовано: 02.02.2024