Урок по теме «Culture exchanges» в 8 классе по учебнику Spotlight

Автор: Бородина Светлана Владимировна

Организация: МОУ «СОШ №11 с УИОП» МОУ «СОШ №11 с УИОП»

Населенный пункт: Курская область, г. Железногорск

Сценарий урока на тему

Culture Exchanges в 8 классе

Тип урока - урок открытия нового знания

Структура урока


Good morning! I am glad to see you. Is everyone here today? (No, …are not here. )

What date is it today? (It is the sixteenth of February)

What is the weather like today? (It is freezing and sunny)

Do you like such weather? (Yes/Sure/Certainly)

1. Этап мотивации

Look at the pictures. Listen to the music. Which of the four places are you at? (I think I am at place on picture 1)

What are you doing? (I am riding a reindeer/ I am making a snowman/I am playing snowballs)

What is the weather like? (It is fresh and sunny/ It is freezing)

How do you feel? (I feel wonderful/I feel excited/I feel relaxed/I feel happy)


2. Этап актуализации и фиксирования индивидуальных затруднений в пробном действии

What do these photos illustrate? (They illustrate places and activities )

What attracts you in these photos? (I can see winter and summer photos/I would like to go there /I like travelling)

What do you think a tourist could do there? (I think you can have fun/see something interesting/enjoy yourself/spend your holiday there)

3. Этап выявления места и причины затруднений

While talking about different activities you faced some difficulty, didn't you? (Yes, we did)

Can you say what your problem was. (In my opinion we need to learn new words/I think our vocabulary isn't rich enough to make up sentences?)

4. Этап построения проекта выхода из создавшейся ситуации

How can we learn new words and phrases? (We can find them in the internet/in books/hear them on radio)

I suggest watching an interesting video which will enrich your vocabulary. It is connected with the topic of our lesson.

После просмотра видео вопрос: What is the topic of our lesson today? (I think we are going to talk about holiday activities/types of holiday/countries)

5. Реализация построенного проекта

Open your books on page 90. Listen to the text "The world is your oyster". The title of the text means you can go anywhere you want to. You will meet some new words and expressions which you may use talking about holiday activities.

6. Этап первичного закрепления с проговариванием во внешней речи

On which holiday can you:

a) lie on the beach?

b) explore nature?

c) meet the locals?

d) go on guided tours?

e) try local cuisine?

f) see famous landmarks?

7. Этап самостоятельной работы с проверкой по эталону

To make up sentences we need to use certain words and phrases from our topical vocabulary. The following tasks will help you learn new vocabulary

  1. exercises 1-3 on your laptops. You have 10 minutes to complete the task.


8. Этап включения в систему знаний и повторения

Which of the activities do you enjoy doing while on holiday? Tell your partner. You can use your own ideas.

What activity does your friend enjoy doing while on holiday? (He enjoys visiting museums, buying souvenirs/lying on the beach)

Where would you like to travel? What activities would you like to do there? Discuss in pairs. (I’d like to go to Morocco. I’d like to lie on the beach all day)


8а промежуточный этап, на котором формулируется домашнее задание

In what way does travel broaden the mind? Prepare a 2-minute talk on the topic.

9. Этап рефлексии

Can you talk about places where you can go on holiday? (Yes, I can)

Can you talk about different activities on holiday? (Yes, I can)

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Опубликовано: 22.06.2023