Открытый урок по введению РО to be going to

Автор: Терехова Елена Сергеевна

Организация: ГБОУ Школа №1584

Населенный пункт: г. Москва

Урок по английскому языку для 4-ого класса к учебнику Spotlight (4) Н.И. Быковой и Д. Дули

Тема урока: Our plans.

Цели урока:

I обучающие:

- ввести РО to be going to,

- закрепить новый материал,

- повторить знакомые ЛЕ (swim, dive, fly a kite, ride a bike, ski, dance, sing, skate, walk, skip, run),

- повторить формы глагола to be (am, is, are)

II развивающие:

- развить умения и навыки устной речи,

- развивать у учащихся память, внимание.

III воспитательная:

- прививать любовь к природе,

- помочь детям осознать, что каждое время года прекрасно по-своему, так как дарит такие разнообразные занятия.

После урока дети

должны знать, как применять РО to be going to и уметь использовать его в монологической и диалогической речи,

Оснащение урока: раздаточный материал: раздаточные задания к уроку; дидактический материал в картинках, компьютер, проектор.


Ход урока.

I. Организационный момент.

1. Приветствие. (2 мин.)

T: Good morning, boys and girls. I am Snowmaid.

P-s: Good morning.

T: I’m glad to see you. Take your seats, please!

How are you?


T: And how are you?


T: What date is it today?


T: What’s the weather like today?


T: I like when it’s cold and sunny. But I like summer, too. What will you do next summer?


T: What will you do next spring?


T: What will you do next autumn?


T: What will you do next winter?


  1. Определение темы и задач урока. (1мин.)

T: You have got different plans. Let’s talk about them. I’ll talk with Father Frost about your plans. He asks you to do a few tasks. And you'll get wonderful presents from him. So, our theme today is “Our plans”.

3. Фонетическая зарядка. (3 мин)

T: Repeat after me: [ai] fly a kite, ride a bike, dive

P-s: fly a kite, ride a bike, dive

Учитель просит прочитать 1-ого ученика.

С другими звуками идет такая же работа.

[w] winter, walk, what, swim

[n] sing, spring

II. Основная часть урока.

  1. Введение РО to be going to. (6 мин.)

T: I’ll tell you about my plans.

Учитель раскрывает доску, на которой находится стихотворение, которое нужно дополнить.

Next summer I dive and swim.

  1. winter he skate and ski.
  2. spring we ride a bike.

Next autumn they fly a kite.

Учитель заполняет предложение РО to be going to.

Next summer I am going to dive and swim.

T: I like summer.

Next summer I am going to dive and swim.

the sound n going

Repeat after me going

P-s: going

T: Well done. Repeat after me “Next summer I am going to dive and swim”.

P-s: Next summer I am going to dive and swim.

T: Father Frost likes winter.

Ученики составляют предложение по аналогии с первым.

P-s: Next winter he is going to skate and ski.

Учитель прикрепляет is going to

T: Repeat after me “Next winter he is going to skate and ski”.

P-s: Next winter he is going to skate and ski.

T: We like spring.

Ученики составляют предложение.

P-s: Next spring we are going to ride a bike.

Учитель прикрепляет are going to

T: Repeat after me “Next spring we are going to ride a bike”.

P-s: “Next spring we are going to ride a bike”.

T: Our friends like autumn.

Ученики составляют предложение.

P-s: Next autumn they are going to fly a kite.

Учитель прикрепляет are going to.

T: Repeat after me “Next autumn they are going to fly a kite”.

Получилось стихотворение.

Next summer I am going to dive and swim.

Next winter he is going to skate and ski.

Next spring we are going to ride a bike.

Next autumn they are going to fly a kite.

T: We have got a short poem.

Next summer I am going to dive and swim.

Next winter he is going to skate and ski.

Next spring we are going to ride a bike.

Next autumn they are going to fly a kite.

Repeat it, please.

P-s: Next summer I am going to dive and swim.

Next winter he is going to skate and ski.

Next spring we are going to ride a bike.

Next autumn they are going to fly a kite.

Над получившимся стихотворением прикрепляется вопрос с пропусками

What … going to do … …?

T: What is Father Frost going to do next winter?

P1: Next winter he is going to skate and ski.

T: Next winter he is going to skate and ski. Учитель проговаривает предложение, обращая внимание на модель, которая также крепится на доску.

… … … going to … .

T: What are our friends going to do next autumn?

P2: Next autumn they are going to fly a kite.

2. Первичное закрепление to be going to. (4 мин.)

T: I like small children. They are my friends. Let’s learn what they are going to do.

Показываются слайды.

T: What is he going to do next autumn?

P1: Next autumn he is going to fly a kite.

  1. Repeat, please. Next autumn he is going to fly a kite.

P-s: Next autumn he is going to fly a kite.

T: What is she going to do next summer?

P1: Next summer she is going to swim.

T: Repeat, please. Next summer she is going to swim.

P-s: Next summer she is going to swim.

T: What are they going to do next spring?

P2: Next spring they are going to skip.

T: Repeat, please. Next spring they are going to skip.

P-s: Next spring they are going to skip.

T: What is he going to do next winter?

P3: Next winter he is going to make a snowman.

T: Repeat, please. Next winter he is going to make a snowman.

P-s: Next winter he is going to make a snowman.

T: What are they going to do next autumn?

P4: Next autumn they are going to walk.

T: Repeat, please. Next autumn they are going to walk.

P-s: Next autumn they are going to walk.

T: What are they going to do next year?

P5: Next year they are going to dance.

T: Repeat, please. Next year they are going to dance.

P-s: Next year they are going to dance.

T: Thank you very much.

3. Развитие навыков письма и чтения (3 мин).

T: Fill in the gaps, please.

Next winter Father Frost is going to ski.

Next autumn I ……. fly a kite.

Next spring my friend ……. … ride a bike.

Next summer we ……. … swim.

T: Are you ready? Let’s check. Read, please.


T: Good.


T: Nice.


T: Well done.

4. Динамическая пауза. (1мин.)

T: Stand up, please.

Repeat after me.

Next summer I am going to dive and swim.

Next winter he is going to skate and ski.

Next spring she is going to ride a bike.

Next autumn they are going to fly a kite.

Next year we are going to dance and sing.

5. Развитие навыков диалогической речи и аудирования в игровой форме. (7 мин.)

T: Take a card.

  • в парах. Дети тянут карточку c временем года. Учитель ставит карточку на парту.

We have got 5 groups: Next summer, Next spring, Next autumn, Next winter, Next year. Дети получают карточки с действиями.

У учителя тоже карточка.

… … I am going to … .

What are you going to do … …?


T: Let’s play. You’re going to make up your dialogues. Ask your partner. What are you going to do? You will take 2 points for your dialogue and 1 point for each your answer to my question.

T: Are you ready? Let’s start with next summer. Pupils listen to them very carefully. I am going to ask you about their plans. Дети получают баллы в форме карточек, на которых написано Well done.

P 1-2:

T: Well done. 2 points. What is P1 going to do next summer?


T: Thank you. 1 point. What is P2 going do next summer?


T: Very good.1 point.

Take your seats. Now autumn.

P 3-4:

T: Nice. 2 points. What is P3 going to do next autumn?


T: Not bad. 1 point. What is P4 going to do next autumn?


T: Well done. 1 point.

Take your seats. Winter. You’re welcome.

P 5-6:

T: Excellent. 2 points. What is P5 going to do next winter?


T: Good. 1 point. What is P6 going to do next winter?


T: Nice. 1 point.

Take your seats. Now spring.

P 7-8:

T: Well done. 2 points. What is P7 going to do next spring?


T: Not bad. 1point. What is P8 going to do next spring?


T: Thank you. 1 point.

Take your seats. Next year. You are welcome.

P 9-10:

T: Excellent. 2 points. What is P9 going to do next year?


T: Cood. 1 point. What is P10 going to do next year?


T: Well done. 1 point.

  1. your seats. Let’s count the points. You’re the winners. The second place. The third place. Остальным учащимся .You were active, too. Thank you for your participation. Дети получают сертификаты. Father Frost gives you certificates.

III. Подведение итогов урока. (1 мин.)

На экране появляется таблица. Нужно заполнить пропуски. Учитель делает первое предложение.

Next year she is going to dance and sing.

T: Fill in the gaps, please.

P-s: Next autumn he … … fly a kite.

Next winter they … … skate and ski.

Next spring she … … ride a bike.

Next summer I … … dive and swim.

IV. Оценки. (2 мин.)

T: Well done .I hope our lesson was useful and you will use be going to when you talk about your plans. Thank you very much. You are very clever and active. I think you deserve these marks. Father Frost is very busy now. He is going to give you wonderful presents on New Year’s day. But now I would like to give you small tasty presents from him. We like you!

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Опубликовано: 10.01.2024