Открытый урок по степеням сравнения прилагательных

Автор: Терехова Елена Сергеевна

Организация: ГБОУ Школа № 1584

Населенный пункт: г. Москва

Урок по английскому языку для 4-его класса к учебнику Spotlight (4) Н.И. Быковой и Д. Дули

Тема урока: Who is the strongest?

Цели урока:

I обучающие:

- познакомить учащихся с образованием степеней сравнения прилагательных,

- закрепить новый материал,

- повторить знакомые ЛЕ (tall, strong, fast, brave, big, happy),

- повторить формы глагола to be (am, is, are)

II развивающие:

- развить умения и навыки устной речи: сравнение объектов при использовании нового РО …than…,

- развивать у учащихся память, внимание, концентрацию, сосредоточенность.

III воспитательная:

- помочь детям осознать, что каждый человек прекрасен по-своему, если он добр и честен по отношению к другим.

После урока дети

должны знать образование степеней сравнения прилагательных,

должны уметь сравнивать объекты

Оснащение урока: раздаточный материал: раздаточные задания к уроку; дидактический материал в картинках, компьютер, проектор.


Ход урока.

I. Организационный момент

1. Приветствие. (1 мин.)

T: Good morning, boys and girls.

P-s: Good morning.

T: I’m glad to see you. Take your seats, please!

How are you?


T: And how are you?


T: How are you?


T: What date is it today?


T: What day is it today?


  1. Определение темы и задач урока. (2 мин.)

T: Today we have got guests. This is Muzzy. They are his friends. They are very kind and happy. But Corvax and Timbo are very bad. Bob and Sylvia have a baby. Corvax wants to hide Amanda.

Help us! Help us, please. When you do all the tasks, you’ll help us to find Amanda.

Write down the date and our theme “Who is the strongest?”

3. Фонетическая зарядка. (5 мин)

T: Repeat after me: [ ] the, this, these, they, together

P-s: [ ] the, this, these, they, together

Учитель просит прочитать 2-х учеников.

С другими звуками идет такая же работа.

[t] tall, fast, strong

[n] King, strong

II. Основная часть урока.

  1. Знакомство с образованием степеней сравнения прилагательных и первичное закрепление материала (12 мин.).
  • рассказывает о героях и прикрепляет прилагательные.


  1. is the Queen. is the King.
  1. is tall. He is taller.
  2. is strong. He is stronger.
  3. is fast. He is faster.

She is brave. He is braver.

  1. is big. He is bigger.
  2. is happy. He is happier.


Учитель обращает внимание на некоторые изменения в словах.

T: Repeat after me : tall/ taller

P-s: tall/taller

T: strong/stronger

P-s: strong/stronger

T: happy/happier

P-s: happy/ happier

T: Let’s compare the King and the Queen. Who is taller the King or the Queen?

……... ……… ……er than ……… .

Учитель делает предложение, используя модель.

T: The King is taller than the Queen. Can you repeat after me?

P-s: The King is taller than the Queen.

T: Who is stronger?

P1: The King is stronger than the Queen.

T: Who is faster?

P2: The King is faster than the Queen.

T: Who is braver?

T: Well done. They have got a friend. He is Muzzy.

  1. is the tallest.

He is the strongest.

He is the fastest.

He is the bravest.

He is the biggest.

He is the happiest.

Учитель рассказывает о Маззи и прикрепляет прилагательные.

T: Repeat after me: the tallest.

P-s: the tallest.

T: Who is the tallest?

Учитель составляет предложение, используя модель.

  • . the …..est.

T: Muzzy is the tallest. Can you repeat after me?

P-s: Muzzy is the tallest.

T: Who is the strongest?...

  1. Развитие навыков письма и чтения. (4 мин.)

T: Choose and fill in the gaps.

Учитель раздает учащимся карточки с предложениями, в каждом из которых пропущено 1 слово.

Muzzy, stronger, the Queen, the happiest, than, the King

  1. The King is ……….. than the Queen. (stronger)
  2. ………. is the bravest. (Muzzy)
  3. Muzzy is faster …….. the King. (than)
  4. The King is bigger than ……….. . (the Queen)
  5. ……… is taller than the Queen. (the King)
  6. Muzzy is …………. . (the happiest)

T: Let’s fill in the gap in the first sentence together.

The King is stronger than the Queen.

Do this task.

T: Let’s check. Number 2.

P1: …


T: Very good.

  1. Динамическая пауза. (2 мин.)

T: Stand up please. Repeat after me.

  1. is tall. He is taller. I am the tallest.
  2. is strong. He is stronger. I am the strongest.
  3. is fast. They are faster. We are the fastest.
  4. is brave. They are braver. We are the bravest.
  1. am big. She is bigger. They are the biggest.

She is happy. They are happier. I am the happiest.

  1. Развитие навыков монологической речи и аудирования.

Сравнение объектов (10 мин).

T: Thank you very much. These are magic flowers. Take a leaf.

Who is tall?

P1: I am tall.

T: Who is taller?

P2: I am taller.

T: Who is the tallest?


T: Great. We have got 4 teams.

Let’s play.

Tasks will be different. When you are right, you’ll get 1 point.

Let’s start.

T: Listen and say if Corvax is taller, happier or braver than Timbo.

P1: Corvax is taller than his friend.

T: What will the King say about Muzzy?

P2: He is the biggest.

T: Who is taller Sylvia or Bob?

P3: Sylvia is taller than Bob.

T: Who is the tallest Sylvia, Bob or the King?

P4: The King is the tallest.

T: Who is stronger Corvax or Sylvia?

P5: Corvax is stronger than Sylvia.

T: Who is the strongest Bob, Sylvia or the King?

P6:The King is the strongest.

T: Who is braver Sylvia or Bob?

P7: Bob is braver than Sylvia.

T: Who is the bravest Muzzy, Silvia or Bob?

P8: Muzzy is the bravest.

T: Who is happier The Queen or Muzzy?

P9: Muzzy is happier than the Queen.

T: Who is the happiest in your class? We’ll see soon.

Guess who this puzzle is about.

He is taller than Sylvia.

He is bigger than the Queen.

He is the strongest.

Who is it?

P10: It is Muzzy.

T: Well done. Let’s count your points.

III. Итоги урока. (2 мин.)

Your team is the strongest. Congratulations. You are clever and active, too. Вручение сертификатов.

T: Remember, please. er/est Учитель показывает на прилагательные. Дети проговаривают самостоятельно.

IV. Оценивание урока. (2 мин.)

Раздаются оценки.

T: a five….

  1. say Good-bye to our guests. They thank you for the lesson and Amanda.

Good-bye! I hope you like our lesson. Be clever and kind!!!

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Опубликовано: 09.01.2024